The function of MES system in production management module and how to break through it


MES Function of production management module.

Production management in MES system

Production management is a core function of MES system. What modules does production management include? Start inspection, production execution, production report (production data collection, staff report), work in process management, process inspection, product traceability, production related report.

Start inspection:

Inspect personnel, equipment, process, materials and tools. Personnel We need to consider whether the personnel post to meet the requirements, whether the designated team, personnel skill level is in line with. Check whether all the point check items of the corresponding period have been completed. Whether the process conforms to the current product and production line. Are the materials complete and meet the requirements of the current production order? Whether the tooling fixture for processing is available. These are just some of the things you check before you start. Of course, some industries also have a trial production process before production, to check the situation of equipment debugging, so as to carry out subsequent production.

Production management in MES system

Production execution:

After the completion of the inspection, the corresponding employees will swipe their cards to accept the corresponding production tasks through MES system. Production flow between processes, MES system support process operation guidance, employees can through the work order, electronic SOP, etc. In the process of production through the process to control personnel, equipment, equipment processing procedures, materials up and down, anti stay anti error, process code. The production executive also controls the shift group, the processing of the shift group and the shift shift.

Production report:

Production reporting in MES is usually two basic ways: employee reporting and automatic reporting. Depends on the conditions of the production site and the degree of equipment automation. Of course, the principle of MES design is simple and convenient, do not need employees to fill in more and complex content, as far as possible to fill in some numbers and check some content.

Work in process management:

The management of products in process, to strictly follow the rules of MES system, in order to execute, production to know how much production, but also how much no production, know is the product in process, but not as times data is after, so the management of products in process also reflects the level of production control of an enterprise. At present, MES can carry out the statistics of products in process for the flow between processes and the goods in detention, but the actual management should be combined with those that have not been reported. Of course, if the degree of automation and intelligence is high, there is no such problem.

Process test:

The inspection in the production process includes spot inspection, spot inspection, inspection, full inspection and unqualified treatment. The process inspection will not be detailed here, and the quality management module will be detailed in the future.

Production management in MES system

Product traceability:

Product traceability In the production process, for enterprises are very concerned, MES system through several ways (code, RFRID, marking, etc.) to the entire production process in series.

Production related statements:

Let's talk about the classification in the production report: query and statistics by personnel, team, production line, workshop, products, semi-finished products, equipment and other dimensions.

MES management system refers to the production information management system of workshop execution layer in manufacturing enterprises. It can realize real-time monitoring, collection and analysis of the workshop production line, etc., which is an indispensable link in the transformation of manufacturing digitization and intelligent manufacturing.

In recent years, domestic manufacturing enterprises are pursuing the transformation to intelligent manufacturing, striving to achieve the strategic goals of Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025. Coupled with the rise of the Internet of Things, industrial Internet technology and the demand for upgrading the traditional manufacturing industry, the intelligent manufacturing information system market has achieved a rapid development.

Industrial software is the core industry in the industrial Internet, in this year's domestic market scale of nearly 230 billion, MES software in industrial software production control software market proportion is high, up to nearly 29%.

AMR, an American advanced manufacturing research institute, defines MES as "a shopfloor management information system between the upper level plan management system and the lower level industrial control".

It can provide enterprises with manufacturing data management, scheduling management, production scheduling management, inventory management and other functional modules. A variety of different system modules can provide a complete set of management solutions from procurement to finished product process, forming a reliable and comprehensive management platform.

With the arrival of the new production mode, the manufacturing industry has put forward higher requirements for product quality. Only by analyzing and summarizing the data information of the product production stage can the quality and competitiveness of the product be further improved. MES is widely used by domestic and foreign manufacturing enterprises with its advantages of timely and accurate information transmission, standardized process and management innovation.

At the same time, production MES system is also an important link of intelligent factory, through which it can realize the interconnection with other systems of the enterprise, maintain real-time data collection and processing, break the status quo of information island, real-time supervision and management of the production process and quality inspection process, and create a management platform for manufacturing collaboration.

Production workshop without a complete information management system is difficult to compete in the market development and even survival, management of the sustainable development of enterprises, we must work in information construction, manufacturing executive system (MES) has become a more and more entrepreneurs and executives choice, MES allows you to better understand your own enterprise and "healthy" development in the fierce competition anytime and anywhere.

How does MES system break through in production management

The role of MES production management system

1. Real-time monitoring of production line and quality assurance tools.

2. Order driven as the leading production mode, quickly respond to the production of customized products.

3. Online information is correctly integrated in real time to facilitate decision-making, and managers can obtain real-time information on the production line at any time.

4. Apply diverse production processes, support multiple production lines, improve management efficiency, and can effectively arrange production on multiple production lines for each batch of operations.

5, the integration of data analysis statistics, easy management, the system can be for different equipment, different equipment status for statistical analysis, management personnel can be targeted at any time for management, overhaul, daily maintenance, etc.

6, Establish a perfect database, provide powerful query function, more complete and deeper information, can collect all information on the production line anytime and anywhere, including the production line of materials and personnel capacity, maintenance MES, etc.

Digital factory is the basis of intelligent manufacturing, in the digital factory, the whole life cycle of the enterprise product activities through data processing, the establishment of a shared database to form useful information, and on demand display, shared database using relevant data and information, simulation of the actual production process, to achieve the optimization of the production process. MES system can realize the synchronization of monitoring and actual production process. The goal of establishing a digital factory is to shorten the product development cycle, reduce inventory, improve product quality, timely delivery, rapid response to market demand, meet customer's personalized needs, improve enterprise efficiency and achieve sustainable development.

With the further optimization and implementation of MES production execution system, the transparency of production information can be increased. Through information sharing, information integration, information processing and other technologies, the production preparation time of products can be greatly shortened. The statistical summary function and data analysis function of MES system will also greatly improve the efficiency of production execution management.

How to use MES system to improve production management?

Huidu MES

The application of MES system will also play a role in standardizing the production process control and improving product quality, which will eventually promote the fast-paced and orderly operation of scientific research and production management activities and improve the rapid response ability of various departments.

But MES system should not only control and record the data of each key process, through information sharing, improve the transparency and utilization of information, improve management efficiency.

A valuable MES system should present the information on which valuable management decisions are based to the customer and should transcend the customer's current management thinking.

MES in the developed countries has realized industrialization, and the emergence of a group of leaders, compared with foreign MES markets, the development course of our country MES industry is short, the market is just rising. At present, the domestic enterprises generally have the characteristics of small scale, single industry and so on, the competitiveness is weak.

However, on the other hand, the utilization rate of MES in the domestic manufacturing industry is still low at the present stage, and the capability of related software is also insufficient, so the MES market potential development space is huge.

Now many enterprises have used MES system for intelligent production management. The application of MES system has changed the traditional management mode, integrated the resource information of various departments of the enterprise, and realized the comprehensive utilization. Huidu MES manufacturing execution system helps the manufacturing industry to create a transparent, automated and intelligent workshop, which can not only control the production process in real time and collect the on-site production data, but also make the production more efficient and lower the cost

Finally, with the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing industry, MES system has become the primary choice for many enterprises to carry out intelligent production management. The application of MES system changes the traditional management mode, integrates the resource information of various departments of the enterprise, and realizes the comprehensive utilization.

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